Behind That Cool Face(在那张冷脸背后)

      To His self-portrait

      It seems nothing has happened.

      He sits
      Finishing reading every word in the newspaper.
      His mind is filled with a variety of feelings.
      With the smoking he has just finished,
      The rising and dissolving haze spirals
      Into the emptiness in the room.

      Evening floods over the land.
      In the twilight there rises
      the last brilliance on the river.
      Shortly after,stars sparkle
      In their respective locations.
      The city,by river and near mountain,
      In the wake of daily clamours,
      Shows its grand spectacle.
      He steps to the window to inhale freah air,
      Trying to search for some talking topics.
      When the supper is set on the table,
      It seems nothing has happened.

      He brushes off the dust on his body
      And hums faintly
      An out-of-date song;
      Thus he adjusts himself
      To the bass
      Of cello.

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