读这本书的时候,我所提出的这则法门必会跃然纸上,活 脱脱横陈在你眼前,只要
你一切就绪,一旦纵身跃出,你就会 辨识出它来。不论你是在第一章还是在最后一
章里,接收到了 它出现的讯号,都要停顿一下,拿个玻璃酒杯来倒立,因为这 个
Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand
boldly before you, if you are ready for it! When it appears, you win recognize it. Whether
you receive the sign in the first or the last chapter, stop for a moment when it presents
itself, and turn down a glass, for that occasion will mark the most important turning-point
of your life.
你读这本书时务必要牢记,这本书讨论的是真人真事,而 非凭空杜撰的子虚乌有,
本书的目的是要昭告世人,凭着一则 放诸四海皆准的真理,所有一切就绪的人都可
以学到该“做什么”和该“怎么做”!所有打点妥当的人,都可以在这本书中 找到成功
Remember, too, as you go through the book, that it deals with facts and not with fiction
its purpose being to convey a great universal truth through which an who the ready may
learn what to do and how to do it! They will also receive the needed stimulus to make a
你开始读第一章之前,我再为你加把动,一句简短的提 示,可以帮助你迅即指认出
一念之间!”如 果你已准备就绪,你的因缘大抵已俱足了;所以,其余的那部 分映
As a final word of preparation, before you begin the first chapter, may I offer one brief
suggestion which may provide a clue by which the Carnegie secret may be recognized? It
is this--all achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea! If you are
ready for the secret you already possess one half of it;therefore,you will readily recognize
the other half the moment reaches your mind