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首页 -> 2001年第6期



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  …I must here proffer my own workinghypothesis for the Chinese case,making noclaim that it represents a detlnitive theory ofinstitutional change.
  ……But the costs to producer(underCommunal Property Rights)of discovering con-sumer preferences.or those to the supervisor ofmonitoring performance.will be higher thanunder private enterprise.
  …Professor R.H.Coase(an Englishmanwho taught at Chicago and other US universi—ties)established that,in the absence of transac—tion costs.a clear delineation of private propertyrights would lead to the identical allocation ofresources regardless of how the rights were as—signed or distributed.His analysis gave birth tothe well—known“Coase Theorem"which states,in essence.that if all scarce resources areviewed from the standpoint of rights,and if allrights are costlessly delineated or defined asprivate or exclusive.then in the absence oftransaction costs the standard theorem of ex-change will operate to bring about the mostvaluable use of resources.
  ……科斯教授(Professor R.H.Coase,在芝加哥及其他美国大学任教的英国人)指出,在交易费用不存在的情况下,不管产权谁属,只要清楚界定产权是私有,结果必然是导致最高效益的资源运用情况。他的分析,创立了著名的“科斯定律”。这个理论的要点,是指出从产权的观点来观察资源的运用,倘若将产权划分或界定为私有是不需费用的,那么在交易费用不存在的情况下,交易取利可保证资源必定会作最有效的运用。
  在第一个例子中“有待论证的假设”(working hypothesis)变成了“理论”,权威性的理论变成了“唯一理论”。第二个例子是“高于”(higher than)在中文中变成了“远比”。而更值得讨论的是第三个例子,英文版是“in the absenceof transaction costs,a clear delineation of privateproperty rights would lead to the identical allocationof resources regardless of how the rights were as-signed or distributed.”而在中文版中则变成了“在交易费用不存在的情况下,不管产权谁属,只要清楚界定产权是私有,结果必然是导致最高效益的资源运用情况”,identical在他们笔下竟然变成了“最高效益”。
  此外,在英文版中他提到只有在“标准交易定理”(the standard theorem of exchange)的架构下,才会导致“资源最有价值地利用”。但是中文版就不再提“标准交易定理”,而变成了“交易取利可保证资源必定会作最有效的运用”。这种差别是巨大的,因为只有满足几个非常特定的、通常是不甚现实的假定和公理后,“标准交易定理”才能成立。
  另一个有趣的翻译见诸《信报》的主笔林行止,他也是在香港坚信自由市场的通俗经济文章的重要作家。Kenneth J.Arrow的《社会的选择及个人价值》(Social Choice and Individual Val-ues)的首段为:
  In a capitalist democracy there are essen—fially two methods by which social choices canbe nllKle:Voting,typically used to make“politocal'’decisions,and the market mecha-nism,typically used to make"economic”deci-sions.

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